Thursday 27 September 2012

Theorists of music videos

This is a brief overview of theorists and how they will relate to my video

Music videos cut between narrative and performance of the song by the band. Artist/singer will be part of the storyline.
(Our video partly includes this, we are going to use cuts between narrative and performance, but our artist is not a big part in the storyline, the narrative part tells the story)

Visuals match lyrics, there is a relationship between them. Goodwin also says the video serves to frame the star and enhance them.
(We will relate to Goodwin's theory in our video, as our visuals and lyrics will partially link to the lyrics of the song such as "Girl put in work" having shots of the girl working really hard when dancing)

Ways of seeing the video. Berger's theory states its all about the visuals of the video, such as the dancing. He also states that we automatically generate our own storyline for the video.
(Our video will cohere with this theory, as we have a dancer who tells the story line, but our video leaves it open for the viewers to make up theory own mind about parts of the storyline)

Vladamir PROPP
All media texts have characters such as a Hero on a quest, a Villain, a Princess (the prize) the Helper, the Donor and the False Hero. The Villain can be elemental (not actually shown such as an illness)
(Our video does not relate to this theorist as much as others, as we do not have the characters although there us a Villain which is portrayed as the things making her life bad, and she is the victor of this)

Dictates that every media text has Binary oppositions/cpdes sich as good v's bad, love v's hate, rich v's poor, happy v's sad, isolation v's crowd, pretty v's ugly, public faces v's private persona.
The five codes of the videos are
Enigma code - audience intrugued and feels the need to solve a problem
Action code - audience is excited and feels the need to solve a problem
Semantic code - audience is directed forwards, additional meaning by way of connotation
Symbolic code - audience assumes that character dressed in black is evil/menacing and forms expectations of their behaviour on this basis
Cultural code - audience dreives meaning in a text from shared cultural knowledge about the way the world works.
(Our piece does follow some of this theory such as the enigma code, with the audience sympathising with the character and wanting to help them.)

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