Tuesday 11 September 2012

Audience research

This is a quick audience research post into two different genre/style artists.

From these two pictures of Kanye Wests twitter page, he has a huge fan base of followers. Through looking through the first couple of pages of his followers, which you can see in the second picture, I have found out that he has a fairly equal amount of girl/boy followers, although I have seen slightly more girls, this may be due to the attraction to him. Kanye's followers are very much the young generation, you can see just from their pictures that most of them are between 16-24. This shows that his style of music, and his texts are aimed at a young audience. Kanye West is an R&B artist, as Joseph SoMo (our artist) also is so I have looked at Kanye's fans to get an idea of our target audience.

On the other hand is Indie style which differs from Kanye West, so I have viewed Jamie T's twitter, who has a more acoustic, indie sound so I can get an idea of the fanbase of other genres. As you can see from the first picture, Jamie T has a huge difference in the amount of followers he has as he is a lot less famous. From the second picture, I can see that Jamie T has a very similar fan base as Kanye, as from looking at his followers, who mostly fit into the 16-24 category, he also has a very equal ratio of boys to girl followers. The difference between the twos twitter followers are that looking at the people who follow Jamie T, they have a more Indie style than those who follow Kanye.

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