Monday 15 October 2012

Risk assesment

Drama Studio
Hazard list for filming in the drama studio Below is a table showing possible risks of filming in our schools drama studio and how we will combat there risks to ensure a safe filming session. This is where we will filming the narrative part of our music video.

Risk                                          Danger                            How we will make it safe
Wet floor of drama studio        Slipping danger               Make sure the floor is dry before filming
Lose cables                              Tripping                           Make sure all cables are neatly out of the way Sharp objects on floor              Cuts                                 Sweep the performance erea thouroughly Crossing the road                     Traffic accident               Make sure there is no traffic coming Obstruction of fire escapes      Asphyxiation, burning     Make sure all fire exits are clear and known

We have chosen to use an abandoned warehouse to use for our main performance with the artist, as it represents an urban and beat down background, linking to the idea of a struggle to fame which is common in R&B. The benefit of using this as our location is that it shows a good representation of the song accross all texts. This is a picture of the warehouse we are using.

Below is a hazard table of the warehouse we wish to film in for the performance part of the video with our singer.

Risk                                         Danger                              How we will make it safe
Broken glass on floor              Danger of cuts                   Sweep performance area
Slippery metal staircase          Slips and falls                    Shoes with good grip must be worn
Fire exits obstructed                Burning asphyxiation        Make sure all fire exits are known and clear Wet floor                                  Danger of slipping            Make sure floor is dry before start
Crossing roads                         Traffic accident                 Stop look listen

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