Tuesday 9 October 2012

Analysis of Black and white music video

As we are using a black and white effect on the footage of our R&B music video, I have decided to analyse a R&B black and white music video by Kanye West and Rihanna called All Of The Lights, the black and white effect is only used for the first 1:05 of the video, meaning this is the only bit I can analyse for our video, but there are some interesting points I can analyse.

This shot is similar to one we are using in our music video as we have a shot of the dancer walking to her dance studio. The black and white effect adds to the effect of sadness given, as it is dull. This song and ours both portray some kind of pain, which is enhanced by the use of black and white filters.
Again, this close up of the girls face is similar to shots we will use in our piece, the use of black and white simplifies the picture, making the background blend in, so the girl is the main focal point. She is also framed in the centre of the shot, drawing the eye towards her. The black and white adds a classy theme to the shots.

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