Thursday 25 October 2012

Changes to Storyboard

Earlier today we filmed all of our performance side of the video, with the girl dancing. The filming went very well, although we had to make a few changes to the storyboard:
-We had to change parts between 1:24-1:27 as before it was character taking first steps into dance then doing a leap, we decided that we needed some shots of the girl warming up to make the dancing more realistic so we took these shots out, and put in shots of her warming up instead.
-We also has to change 1:53-1:55 as this is a shot of the character leaving the studio which we did not want, we also had to change 2:09-2:13 as these shots were not needed. We added in different nice shots of the girl dancing in these places.
-At around 3:12 we had to add in 5 secconds of dancing, as we didnt have enough good dancing shots, therefore we took out shots of the character finishing her dance routine, a close up of the character feeling exhausted and the character showing her emotions in a close up. These shots were not needed until later on in the piece.

This shows us that the story board wasnt completely accurate and had some difficulties on the day filming, but it was a great help for timing, as any shots we needed to change, we knew the timing of them.
Overall the filming went very well and I am pleased with how good the shots were.

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