Saturday 27 October 2012

Filming progress

On Thursday the 25th we started to film our piece, we managed to get the whole narrative side of our music video filmed, which is the storyline with the girl dancing. The filming went really well and we got every shot that we needed and more in case some were wrong.
After half term we are going to film the performance side of the music video, the parts with the artist. We will film this as soon as possible, meaning we can start editing and getting the finished piece polished up to scratch.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Changes to Storyboard

Earlier today we filmed all of our performance side of the video, with the girl dancing. The filming went very well, although we had to make a few changes to the storyboard:
-We had to change parts between 1:24-1:27 as before it was character taking first steps into dance then doing a leap, we decided that we needed some shots of the girl warming up to make the dancing more realistic so we took these shots out, and put in shots of her warming up instead.
-We also has to change 1:53-1:55 as this is a shot of the character leaving the studio which we did not want, we also had to change 2:09-2:13 as these shots were not needed. We added in different nice shots of the girl dancing in these places.
-At around 3:12 we had to add in 5 secconds of dancing, as we didnt have enough good dancing shots, therefore we took out shots of the character finishing her dance routine, a close up of the character feeling exhausted and the character showing her emotions in a close up. These shots were not needed until later on in the piece.

This shows us that the story board wasnt completely accurate and had some difficulties on the day filming, but it was a great help for timing, as any shots we needed to change, we knew the timing of them.
Overall the filming went very well and I am pleased with how good the shots were.

Tuesday 23 October 2012


We do not have many props in our music video as we are keeping it very simple.
There are a few props needed for the narrative part, which are:

-Water bottle

-Pointe ballette shoes

-Dance bag

-Dance outfit (in bag) originally she wears her school uniform, then gets changed to dance.

We are not using any props for the perfotmance part of the video, just ouartist in a warehouse singing.

Filming shot list

This is a shot list of every second of our music video. This will make it easier whilst we are filming as we can keep referring back to the shot list to make sure we haven't missed anything. As you can see in the location part of the table, we have a few different locations to film at, we will be filming the drama studio scenes separate from the other ones. To make sure we don't mix this up we have printed out the shot list and colour coded each different location and the shots.

TIME (4:32)
Shot 1
·         Establishing shot
Establishing shot of TV (crackled)
0:00 – 0:08
Shot 2
·         Close up shot of artist
·         Cross fade
Close up of artist in location 1 (warehouse) posing
0:08 – 0:13
Shot 3
(Drama Studio)
·         Establishing shot
·         Cross fade
Establishing shot of artist on TV in warehouse. Starts singing.
0:13 – 0:20
Shot 4
·         Establishing shot
·         Pan left or right
Establishing shot of girl sat on bed looking upset (smudge mascara?)
0:20 – 0:25
Shot 5
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
0:25 – 0:29
Shot 6
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
0:29 – 0:32
Shot 7
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
0:32 – 0:35
Shot 8
·         Close up
·         High angle
·         Pan left or right?
Close up of character. Once again crying (smudged mascara?)
0:35 – 0:37
Shot 9
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up shot of artist singing into camera
0:37 – 0:40
Shot 10
·         Close up
·         Slow mo?
Close up shot of mother shouting
0:40 – 0:44
Shot 11
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
0:44 – 0:49
Shot 12
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up shot of artist singing into camera
0:49 – 0:50
Shot 13
·         Close up
·         High angle
·         Pan left or right?
Close up of character. Once again crying (smudged mascara?)
0:50 – 0:53
Shot 14
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
0:53 – 0:58
Shot 15
·         Close up
·         Low to High angle
Character jumps up and shouts back at Mother
0:58 – 1:02
Shot 16
·         Mid shot
Character walks away from camera past mother and out the door
1:02 – 1:04
Shot 17
·         Long shot
·         Low angle
Character quickly making way down stairs
1:04 – 1:07
Shot 18
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up of artist singing into camera
1:07 – 1:11
Shot 19
·         Close up
Close up of a set of keys being taken by the character
1:11 – 1:12
Shot 20
·         Long shot
Long shot of character walking through park with trees either side
1:12 – 1:15
Shot 21
·         Long Shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
1:15 – 1:17
Shot 22
·         Long shot
Character walks through door into studio
1:17 – 1:21
Shot 23
·         Close up
·         Pan left
Close up of character hiding her emotions 
1:21 – 1:24
Shot 24
·         Mid shot
Character takes first two steps of dance
1:24 – 1:25
Shot 25
·         Long shot
Character goes to do the leapey thing
1:25 – 1:27
Shot 26
·         Low angle shot
·         Slow mo?
Character does the leap over the top of the camera
1:27 – 1:29
Shot 27
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
1:29 – 1:35
Shot 28
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
1:35 – 1:44
Shot 29
·         Close up
·         (Direct on)
Close up of artist singing into camera
1:44 – 1:48
Shot 30
·         Close up
Character taking a drink whilst sat on the floor
1:48 – 1:50
Shot 31
·         Long shot
Character feeling ankle, in pain
1:50 – 1:53
Shot 32
·         Over shoulder of character
·         Low angle
Character walks out studio past another performer, other performer looks down her nose at the character
1:53 – 1:55
Shot 33
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
1:55 – 2:02
Shot 34
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up shot of artist singing into camera. Put hands together when ‘praying’ is said
2:02 – 2:09
Shot 35
·         Mid shot
Character is sat on bed looking emotional
2:09 – 2-11
Shot 36
·         Close up
Close up of character revealing more emotions
2:11 – 2:13
Shot 37
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
2:13 – 2:18
Shot 38
·         Close up
Close up of character taking a deep breath
2:18 – 2:19
Shot 39
·         Mid shot
Character takes first few steps into dance routine
2:19 – 2:22
Shot 40
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
2:22 – 2:27
Shot 41
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
2:27 – 2:31
Shot 42
·         Mid shot
Character continues to dance
2:31 – 2:34
Shot 43
·         Long shot
Character continues to dance
2:34 – 2:39
Shot 44
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
2:39 – 2:43
Shot 45
·         Close up
Close up shot of character taking a drink then moving hair
2:43 – 2:47
Shot 46
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
2:47 – 2:52
Shot 47
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up of artist singing into camera. Artist points to sky
2:52 – 2:55
Shot 48
·         Long shot
Character dancing
2:55 – 2:59
Shot 49
·         Mid shot
Character dancing
2:59 -  3:08
Shot 50
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up of artist singing into camera
3:08 – 3:12
Shot 51
·         Mid shot
Character finishing routine
3:12 – 3:17
Shot 52
·         Close up
Close up of character feeling exhausted
3:17 – 3:21
Shot 53
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
3:21 – 3:25
Shot 54
·         Close up
Close up of character looking tired and looks away from camera
3:25 – 3:29
Shot 55
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
3:29 – 3:33
Shot 56
·         Close up
Character looks past the camera towards the door and smiles
3:33 – 3:37
Shot 57
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
3:37 – 3:46
Shot 58
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up of artist singing into camera
3:46 – 3:50
Shot 59
·         Close up
Character takes a deep breath
3:50 – 3:51
Shot 60
·         Mid shot
Character takes a set up stance
3:51 – 3:54
Shot 61
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
3:54 – 4:02
Shot 62
·         Long shot
Character begins dance with enjoyment
4:02 – 4:07
Shot 63
·         Close up
Close up of character in motion with a smile
4:07 – 4:08
Shot 64
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
4:08 – 4:11
Shot 65
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
4:11 – 4:15
Shot 66
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up of artist singing into camera
4:15 – 4:19
Shot 67
·         Mid shot
Character finishes routine
4:19 – 4:24
Shot 68
·         Close up
Character looks to door again and smiles
4:24 – 4:25
Shot 69
·         Mid shot
Mid shot of artist singing into camera. Final pose
4:25 – 4:27
Shot 71
·         Establishing shot
Shot of crackled TV
4:27 -  4:32