Monday 5 November 2012

Progress Post

We plan to film the seccond half of our music video which is the performance section, in the warehouse, over this week, as we can do after school etc.
Once we have filmed all of these bits, we will be completely finished with filming meaning we can start editing the footage in time with the song, therefore it will start coming together as a music video. The filming should be simple as we are using a rance of mid shots, close ups and long shots of our artist in the warehouse singing. The lighting is good in the warehouse so we are hoping that we do not need to bring extra lighting, but in case of any lighting difficulties we will take portable lights which we can set up and use on sight of filming.
Our artist Joseph SoMo (Andy) is in our year in sixth form, meaning we can easily use him during study periods, lunch times and after schools, due to this we will hopefully get all our footage done in a few days.

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