Monday 19 November 2012

Magazine advert

I have been researching some existing R&B Magazine adverts to get some inspiration and ideas for ours. Here are some of the adverts I have found.

These Magazine adverts have proven very helpful with research for our own R&B advert for Joseph Somo. These have revealed that the majority of the adverts have the artists face on them. This is clearly for direct identification as fans will recognise the artist from a distance before they may see the text. The picture of the artist also adds to the attraction side of the advert as the pictures show an attractive side of the artists due to the makeup, accessories and poses. Every artist in these adverts (apart from Jay-Z's advert) are doing unusual poses, but ones which suit their style, and genre. Tinchy Stryders pose is a dominant pose with his arms crossed over  his chest which may be taken as defensive.
Gwen Stefani and Jessie J are also posing in a dominant way, they look very bold with direct eye contact. On the other hand, Rihanna looks more vulnerable in her picture as she is hiding half of her face behind her hand, this gives a mysterious look to the picture although she may be hiding something.
Jessie J's advert is interesting as she looks mean, aggressive and not very approachable, which is not the typical image of a female. The writing at the bottom of the advert advertising her songs is black on white which makes it stand out boldly, this is also in capital letters showng the high importance to reading them. As we can see from this advert, one of her songs are called "nobodys perfect", although the picture of her on the advert contradicts this as she looks very neat and perfect with her hair, nails and makeup done immaculately. Although the fact that she has black hair, nails and lips adds an edginess to the picture showing she is not conforming with the typical girly stereotype. Adding to this the song "Do it like a dude" links in with the way she looks, very angry, feisty and quite boyish.
Gwen Stefani's advert uses whites, greens, pinks and golds which are a vibrant contrasting mix of colours, making her advert clearly stand out from the page. The golden colour connotes wealth and makes it appear she is sitting in a golden throne, giving her a powerful image.
Jay Z's advert is different from the others as it doesnt feature a picture of the artisr himself. Instead it has a picture of lots of musical instruments, mostly old fashioned ones such as a grammaphone. The picture is very simple in white with 3 red stripes over the instruments. This is unusual as the picture is not very recognisable for Jay Z although he uses these colours throughout his texts and his name is in a big font over the top of the advert, making it easy to recognise.

From these adverts I can see that R&B adverts portray a powerful image of the artist, which is something I am going to use in my magazine advert as our genre is R&B.

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