Thursday 21 June 2012

Video differences

This is a quick post comparing two different videos I have been looking at.

I watched two contrasting music videos and made notes on the differences and similarities. The two videos i watched were:
Carly Rae Jephson- Call me maybe V's Lost Prophets- Rooftops

This is what i found:
CRJ- Target audience is younger girls whereas Lost Prophets is more aimed at boys. Although they are both aimed at a young audience which is a similarity about the two videos.
CRJ- Is a mainstream, pop video which has a typical boy meets girl storyline. The video is played out like a fairytale as it is cliche but has a twist at the end which adds humour to the video as the 'prince charming' character turns out to be gay. This video is superficial and fun, whereas the Lost Prophets video is very indie and alternative with an emo style. It features people with piercings, with an 'emo' look. This video represents teenagers going through a hard time which the viewers can relate too.

Carly Rae Jephson is a pop princess, and has key conventions of the pop genre in her video and other texts such as the 'boy meets girl' story line. The girly costumes she wears, along with her hair and makeup. The lyrics alone are in the typical style of a pop song with 'I threw a wish in the well' which gives the idea of a fairytale.

On the other hand, The Lost Prophets are a huge contrast to CRJ as they are a completely different genre. They are indie/rock and the video aims at 'the outsiders' and people who don't fit into the pop genre. This band are very alternative and this is represented through their costumes, and the characters in the video, with piercings, tattoos, long hair and dark clothes.

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