Sunday 24 June 2012

Owl City Fireflies Video analysis

This video features the artist playing a keyboard in what appears to be a child's bedroom. He is bringing the toys and gadgets around him to life which builds up until the song comes to an end. The music video is indie style as it is an independent record label but it also features synthpop and an 80s style.
The target audience of this video would be 16-30 although it would be based on a teenage audience.
The video uses cuts between mid shots of the artist, and close ups of the toys in the bedroom. This makes the audience focus on this as it is all you can see. The toys move in time with the music.

Artist image - The artist looks very 'normal' in this video with a relaxed casual costume of jeans and a t-shirt. There is a close up shot of his socks which relates to the child like theme and makes it look like he is the child in the bedroom. The artist is portrayed as innocent and childish as all the toys are around him and he is in a child's bedroom.
Mis-en-scene - The toys in the video are 70's/80's style which gives the audience a sense of nostalgia as they are the toys they would have played with when they were younger.

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