Thursday 21 June 2012

Dyer "A star is manufactured"

Richard Dyer "Star theory" a star is constructed/manufactured.
Dyers Theory applied to a media text.

These two pictures from Beyonce's If I were a boy album show her looking very natural with no makeup and looking very clean and innocent. Due to the look Beyonce was trying to create for this album, she has gone for a subtle look in the pictures. Although in the top picture she appears to be naked with her arms covering herself which is a provocative image to portray therefore she is still trying to appear 'sexy' as it is one of her selling points. The pictures are both in black and white, which makes the pictures look natural, the image of the ocean in the background adds to the beautiful natural feel of the pictures. In both pictures, she is making eye contact with the audience, this could be seen as challenging, although in this circumstance I believe it is to attract attention and enhance the focus to her face. In both pictures she is placed pretty much in the middle, meaning she is the focal point and the font of her name and the album title is very subtle and doesn't overpower the picture of her. The fact that her name is small may portray that her name isn't important, as people will recognise who the artist is by seeing her face.

These two pictures of Beyonce's Single Ladies album are also in black and white, but they differ from the first two pictures. These two pictures of her album covers are much more provocative and sexy as in the first one you can clearly see a silhouette of her body looking very curvy and although she could be naked. This would have been done to create a sense of unknown and mystery to the cover as the audience do not know what she is/isn't wearing. The second picture, again is Beyonce wearing very little clothes, she is showing bum and boobs, meaning the male audience would instantly be attracted. The pose she is doing is also provocative as she looks sultry laying on top of her own name. Differing from the first two pictures, her name stands out more in these two as it is bigger, in the first one it is behind her but still coherent, and the second one she is laying on top of the name, drawing the eye to this. She is clearly wearing a lot more bling and makeup in the second picture here, showing this album is giving off a much more powerful, feminine vibe.

These two examples of two of Beyonce's albums show her versitility and how an artist can completely reform their look/style from one album to another as Beyonce clearly has between these two. The theme is also followed through on the music that is on the album.

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