Thursday 21 June 2012

Justin Bieber Music video analysis Justin Bieber Baby music video.


Justin Biebers target audience is clearly young girls as they would fancy him. This is played upon in his videos as he is shown living the 'teenage dream' and having fun. Young girls would want to be the girls in his videos. The target audience would be able to see him in his videos easily, as they would fancy him the visual aspect of music videos is appealing. Some of Justin Biebers songs could relate to older girls, although boys would not be as interested in this artist.

At the beginning of the video you can see Justin straight away, which automatically shows the audience who sings the song if they didn't already know. You also see him singing, which represents his talent although its not actually him singing live. In this particular video there are a group of young boys and girls at a bowling alley having fun, which younger teenagers would relate too and want to do this too. The whole video is represented as fun and bubbly like he is living the dream teenage life. The fact that Ludacris features in this video shows that Justin is trying to reach out to other audiences by bringing the rap genre into his song.

The first shot of Justin is a low angle shot of him, which makes him look powerful, but in the shot he is wrapping his coat around himself as if he is cold, giving off a sense of vulnerability, which makes a contrast with the powerful low shot. There are then lots of cuts between him, with his friends entering the bowling alley, and a group of girls that are already there. This gives a sense of boys v's girls in a playful way, this relates to the competition in the game of bowling they are playing, adding to the fun aspect of the video, attracting the younger audience as it is desirable. There are shots of Justin standing, and the camera pans around him in a circle, this is quite a typical shot that is often used in boy band videos, showing lots of angles of the artist. Throughout the video, there are cuts between the performance, of him singing on his own, and the storyline with the girl and his friends. This again is a typical way music videos are filmed, giving the artist a persona with the story line, but singling them out at the same time. The shots of Ludacris the rapper are slightly low shots, again portraying power, which is common in the rap genre, there are also close ups of his face which is to help the audience quickly identify who the rapper is. The close ups are also for appearance, giving the audience visuals, for those who fancy him, or aspire to be like him. (examples shown below)

Considering this was released in 2010, the characters in the video are wearing clothes that would have been fashionable then. This attracts their target audience, as teenage girls are very conscious about how they look, and will look up to girls in Justin Beibers music videos as fashion icons as they are seen as 'cool' at the age of 12/13. Justin and the others in the video look very casual, in jeans, hoodies and normal tops which brings the video down to earth and fits in with the theme of them being in a bowling alley. You can see examples of this in screen shots of the video shown above.

There are quick cuts in this video, which go in time with the music, meaning that the video backs up the sound that is going on. Justin is also lip syncing with the song, giving the appearance he is singing it there and then to the girl. This makes the lyrics more personal, as in some points of the video he is directly addressing the audience, singing to them and making hand gestures.

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