Tuesday 10 July 2012


We searched through Dafont.com to find some fonts to use for out Pop princess Digi pack and we looked in the 'valentine' section and decided to choose a font called Jellyka - Love and passion. The font is girly, with hearts and swirls so we decided this would be suitable for a Pop princess' album as they very much focus on a young girl audience, and the hearts relate to the 'love' theme. The font will be white so it stands out on the digi pack as the pictures have dark backgrounds. We will use this font throughout out CD.

Preliminary video shot list

The Script - The man who cant be moved
Number of seconds of each shot in brackets. (.) = less than a second.

(Danny walking down the street not singing yet)
The first shot of the video is the shadow of the singer on the ground as he is walking down the street (2)
The next shot is a front face shot (.)
There is then a shot of his feet (.)
The next shot is a low angle side shot of the singer with his hands in his pockets (.)
Shows the feet again (.)
Next is a low shot with his hands in his pockets face on (1)
There is then a face shot again (1)
Flicks to feet shot with shadow (.)
Next is a shot from behind of him walking (1)
Shot of side of singers head (.)
Singer spins round (2)
Cuts to face on shot of him (.)
(Danny starts singing)
Side of singers face singing (2) same shot moves to front of his face (2) zooms in as it moves
Looks at camera (.)
Shot moves around him standing still (2) (singing voice over the top of shot, his mouth isn't moving)
Side of face singing (2)
Danny walking across the crossing (3) (singing voice over the top of shot, his mouth isn't moving)
Face shot while singing (4)
Back of head from behind while walking, mid shot (1)
Side shot with Danny looking at the camera while singing (2)
Looking at man as he walks past singing (2)
Looks at man from behind him (1)
Side of head shot (.)
Walking towards camera (.)
Side shot (4)
Front shot walking towards camera (2)
Side shot of head puts his hands up while singing (3)
Front shot, mid shot (2)
Side shot of man walking, head chopped off (2)
Front shot while singing (5) (52 seconds)
NEW SCENE (we might not use this section)
Shot of Danny with band in background, focus on him (4)
Cross to guitarist (1)
Back to close up of Danny's face singing (1)
Close up shot of guitar (1)
Face close up (1)
Zooming out on him, mid shot (2)
Shot of drummer (.)
Face close up (1)
FINISH. (63 seconds)
(Shots move/cut in time with music)

Preliminary Video Costumes/location

For our preliminary task we are covering the first minuet of The man who can be moved by The Script.

As we want our video to look as much like The Script one does, so we have decided to base our costume as closely to theirs as we can. Danny wears casual clothes such as a leather jacket with a t-shirt underneath, he is also wearing casual jeans and shoes. To keep ours similar we have got our actor to wear very similar clothing.
The location of The Script video is a very busy street in America which would be impossible for us to achieve but to get a similar effect we are using a road by our school that has a crossing similar to the videos. Our location will not be as busy, or have shops like The Scripts video does but we plan to keep it as close to the video as we can.
The costume that Danny, and our main characher wear in this video is very casual, evidently giving a casual feel to the video and song. The lyrics also back this up with he says 'gonna camp in my sleeping bag' giving the impression that the main character could possibly be homeless.
The casual nature of the video would be appealing to the audience as people can relate to him, as he looks like an every day normal person, this along with the lyrics makes it a video that people can easily relate too. The City location also backs this up as there are other normal people on the street. We plan to remake this.. Although they location for ours will be difficult as we are filming down a village street.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Preliminary Music video

Short post about our Preliminary task of making the first minuet of an existing music video.

For our preliminary task we have decided to cover the first minuet of The Script - The man who can't be moved. We are using a boy in our class who will be wearing similar clothes to Danny in the actual video. We have decided to film down the street that goes by our school, which makes time management easier as we can film during free periods and every one can get there easily.

We have chosen a video with fast cuts, which will be difficult to film, but if we pull it off it should look very good and like the original video.

Our Pop princess album

Our Pop princess is called Daisy May as we decided this is a typically girly, feminine name and the word Daisy has direct connotations with a flower which gives the feel of beauty. We have also included flowers in some of the pictures for the digi pack of the CD which links with the Pop princesses name.
We decided to call our album 'I need you' which is also the name of the first song on the CD. We chose this, as it makes the Pop princess seem innocent and like she needs other people to be there for her. This also links to falling in love and a fairytale theme.

Our song list for the album I need you is:
1. I need you
2. Eclipse
3. Remember me
4. Free
5. I like you
6. Better than Romeo
7. Alone again
8. Kiss the stars Featuring Ronnie G
9. Cradle me
10. Render me speechless

We chose these 10 song names to feature on our album as they are typically girly and feminine. We also have followed through with the theme of love as the majority of these songs refer to it. To get ideas for our songs we looked at typical Pop princess albums such as Taylor Swift and Britney Spears as their songs relate to similar things to ours.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Pop princess album cover

These are some of the images we have got of our 'Pop princess' look that we will be using for the front cover of our CD, also the pictures will be in the inlay of the album.